Best Mobile Apps Builder for Shopify

Nandini Singhal
4 min readMay 18, 2022


Best Mobile Apps Builder for Shopify

Best Mobile App Builder for Shopify

Are you looking for the best mobile app builder for Shopify? If so, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best options currently available. Keep reading to learn more.

Mobile apps are taken more seriously these days. If your website is not mobile responsive, it’s essentially invisible to the majority of people needing or wanting your products. But besides being responsive, why else should you have a mobile app for your store?

Mobile Apps are Great for Brand Awareness

Having an app that can be downloaded to cell phones means that anyone with or without internet access may view your products. Even if they don’t buy right away, you’re providing them with free advertising simply by being present where they are — on their phone. And this will happen at random times throughout the day since most people aren’t surfing the web on their phones all day long. This increases brand awareness even when you’re closed.

Mobile Apps are Great for Customer Retention

Another reason why mobile apps are great is that they keep customers engaged in your brand. There’s no such thing as having too much repeat business (unless it’s spammy or abusive). When you build a rapport with your customer and make them loyal to you, they will come back when they need something, even if it isn’t from the same site. The more engaged they are, the more likely this is to happen. They may also take an interest in other products you offer if their experience with buying from your website was a good one. And since all shopping carts have an order history section, even old purchases can remind them of what you have to offer and drive them to add new items into their cart to buy.

Mobile Apps Give Your Site a Professional Look

You want your business to look professional, right? Well, how does it look when customers get stuck on a site that’s not mobile or tablet responsive? It looks unprofessional. It may also cause frustration and drive customers away from buying from you again if the next experience with your site is easier for them. So what do you need to get your site mobile-friendly? You need a mobile apps builder so you can have an app designed specifically to be compatible with all devices.

Mobile Apps are Great for Local Businesses

If you’re a local store, this is definitely an option you should consider, especially if your location caters to a lot of foot traffic. An app that visitors can get immediate information about how to get in touch with you and info on your hours, etc.

Mobile Apps Are Great for Any Shopify Store

The best mobile apps builder is simply one that will allow you to build a responsive and functional app for your business and increase your brand awareness while keeping customers engaged and loyal. This means having an app that’s easy to use and doesn’t take forever to load on their phones either. You also want them to find what they’re looking for quickly without having to sift through everything else you have offered just because there are no filters or categories set up. And lastly, it should be compatible with all devices, even if that means the menus are not the same across all screens size-wise. The most important thing is that your customers can easily find what they need.

What Makes the Best Mobile Apps Builder for Shopify?

As mentioned above, you want a mobile apps builder for your Shopify store that enables you to build a responsive app with all the features you want it to have without slowing down or being too clunky on smartphones or tablets. You also don’t want there to be any compatibility issues so that visitors can browse through your site regardless of whether they’re using an iPhone, Android phone, tablet, Windows 8 device, etc. Finally, you should easily set up and promote the App in as little time as possible (and spend as little money as possible).

The best mobile apps builder for this job is Yapp. Why? It’s as easy as it gets to build a responsive and functional app that’s compatible with all devices and that you can share on your social media platforms, update from App itself, and promote all over your website easily. Yapp offers excellent features like these:

• Design an interactive and engaging app — not just a version of your site

• Supports more than 1 million apps on Apple Store & Google Play

• Promote using Twitter, Facebook & Email Sharing

• Share with friends on Facebook & Twitter

• Updates directly from App (iPhone only)


The best mobile apps builder for Shopify is one that allows you to make customizations, integrates with your existing ecommerce site seamlessly, and can be managed by a professional. We are all about making the process as simple as possible so that even the most novice entrepreneurs can build their App in no time. If this sounds like something you’ve been looking for, then contact us today to get started.



Nandini Singhal
Nandini Singhal

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